
My name is Livia. I am a student in St. Andrews College, and I decided to spend my Transition Year work experience working in publishing at The Lilliput Press. I wanted to do publishing as I’ve always had a keen interest in literature and other humanities. I was excited to work at Lilliput since I would be able to learn about the process involved in book publishing; a combination of publicity, editorial and overall managerial work. Because Lilliput is an independent company, the work scheduling and consistency is less rigid or corporate, allowing me to experience all the different aspects and jobs involved in publishing in a hospitable environment. I have very much enjoyed my…


Newlyweds and local celebrities Michael and Matt (or M&M as they call themselves!) popped over to Lilliput today to celebrate Valentine’s day and to show off their beautiful special edition copy of Ulysses. They received this Lilliput Press edition from Joe Duffy and Mrs. Brown herself last Christmas eve as a joint Christmas and wedding present. Today is a day to celebrate every kind of love and there is definitely plenty between these two wonderful people.


Who are you and what is your role at Lilliput Press? My name is Orla, and I am the new editorial intern at The Lilliput Press. My job includes a number of different tasks: I run the bookshop at the front of the store. I am sometimes given blurbs to write and manuscripts to proof or edit. I am the one responsible for reading the ‘slush’ pile. These are the unsolicited manuscripts handed in to The Lilliput Press daily. If I like something, I will champion it at one of our production meetings. If others are interested, we may go ahead with publishing the manuscript! What Lilliput release are you most looking forward to? The…


Philip Casey, Dublin-based novelist, poet and champion of Irish writing, native of Gorey, Co Wexford, died at 5.20pm Sunday 4 February. We mourn the passing of a radiant spirit and friend of the Press, and salute his achievements. Lilliput published his first novel, The Fabulists, winner of the Listowel Book of the Year award in 1995. Sebastian Barry noted his ‘Mortally angelic writing’. He went on to be published by Picador in the UK and his poetry appeared with Dermot Bolger’s Raven Arts Press.       Antony Farrell, publisher


ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode Portions of this video will appear in “Bloomsday ReJoyce” a documentary from Irish-Canadian producer/director Godfrey Jordan, author of the forthcoming novel – “O’CREDIBLE ! The O’Credible Showband starring Orlo O’Laughlin”