28 May: Listen at Lilliput
Listen at Lilliput presents ZASKA | Leila Jane & more to be announced…
Join us for our fifth session of Listen at Lilliput, a night of music and spoken word in the beautiful Lilliput Press. This is a Free event but donations are gratefully accepted with all profits going to a charity of choice.
It’s a cushion on the floor kind of scenario- definitely cosy, sometimes squishy, endless cups of tea & maybe a hobnob or two.
Bring a cup & a cushion if you can.
The book press only has a capacity of 45 so *please don’t arrive after 19.15!*
It will be held at Lilliput Press, 62-63 Sitric Road, Arbour Hill, Dublin 7 form 19:00 – 22:00.
Go to the event page for updates and performer announcements >> https://www.facebook.com/events/352922758663886/