
The Lilliput Press cordially invites you to the book launch of A Life in Medicine: From Asclepius to Beckett by Professor Eoin O’Brien With guest speaker Robert Ballagh 6.30pm Thursday 18 May 2023 at Dubray Books, 36 Grafton Street, Dublin, D02 X560 All welcome ABOUT A LIFE IN MEDICINE In his memoir, A Life in Medicine: From Asclepius to Beckett, Eoin O’Brien, an Irish cardiologist and clinical scientist of international repute, recounts his life in medicine and his friendships with doctors, scientists, writers and painters. O’Brien’s love of literature and the arts brought him into close contact with some remarkable writers and artists, among them Samuel Beckett, Edith Fournier, Nevill Johnson, Con Leventhal, Brian O’Doherty and Niall…